We are committed to safeguarding and meeting the needs of all of our children
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Kellie Wilson, Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Natalie Webb, Deputy Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Adam South, Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Andrew Lander, Assistant Headteacher
Chair of Governors: Mr Garry Hall & Mrs Gill Withers (Co-Chairs)
Hurst Green Primary School Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Samantha Campbell-Whyte.
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead
on 01384 818210 or via the email address safeguarding@hurst-green.dudley.sch.uk
Useful contacts and links
Dudley Front Door - 0300 555 0050
Emergency Duty Team - 0300 555 8574
Local Authority Designated officer - 01384 813110
West Midlands Police - 101
Police Child Abuse Investigation Unit - 0121 626 5000
Local Authority Prevent Officer - john.hodt@dudley.gcsx.gov.uk
Dudley Safe and Sound - www.dudleysafeguarding.org.uk
To view our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies, please see our Policies page.