On the app store please search for Collins and not the word ebooks to find the app. The app is a red and white square, with the top being red with a capital white C with the word ebooks underneath in blue writing on a white background.
Collins Ebook Instruction Guide
Please be advised that some tablets may require the app to be downloaded to view properly and you may see a blank white screen instead on the web browser. If you do get a plain blank screen instead of the book please try downloading the app.
We have also been told by the company that Amazon Kindles are not supported due to issues with the silk browser it uses.
If you are still experiencing issues please email it@hurst-green.dudley.sch.uk with the following information so we can try to troubleshoot and escalate with Collins if needed:
Device type: (i.e ipad,galaxy tab, phone or other device)
Device model: (i.e ipad air 4, galaxy tab 6, iphone 12)
Operating system version: (normally in about device i.e ios 15.5.5 or android 6.0)
Are you trying to use an app or website?
What browser if on the website? (i.e safari, edge,chrome)