Year group links

An amazing resource for reading! Many eBooks available to read for free online. You can choose books for your child's exact colour book band! You will need to create a free account for parents first - this just requires an email address.

Handwriting activities and advice.

Spelling games for the spelling list 'Year 3/4 Spelling Bee Word List'. Spellzone spelling games, activities and resources help students to learn and improve their English spelling.

Times table facts set to catchy pop songs.

Welcome to Dance Mat Typing, an introduction to touch typing for children aged 7 - 11 years. 

National Geographic Kids is an amazing site for Science, History and Geography.

Natural History Museum - wonderful activities to do at home.

Can't get out far to explore nature? On this page you'll find activities and ideas to occupy yourself and family at home, in your garden or local outdoor space.

Tate Kids: play free art games and fun quizzes, find art activities, read about artists and share your art. The best art website for kids.

BBC Bitesize for KS2 for lots of information and activities for a range of curriculum areas.

A School Life Website
School Life app download
School Life app download